Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Validity and reliability of the Polish version of the Short Hopelessness Scale

Autorzy: Paulina A. Koryczan, Piotr P. Piotrowski, Wojciech M. Roj, Stanisław K. Czerwiński, Paweł A. Atroszko

The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Short Hopeless-ness Scale in an undergraduate student sample. The scale was originally developed as a brief measure of hopelessness for large scale epidemiological surveys and is based on two commonly used measures of hope-lessness.

Participants and procedure
A total of 4098 students from different Polish universities took part in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the model fit. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to investigate the relationship between hopelessness scale and criterion variables.

Due to the lack of fit of the initial congeneric, unidimensional model, the lowest loading item was removed, and a tau-equivalent model with three items was tested. The tau-equivalent model showed a good fit to the data. The scale had adequate reliability. Hopelessness was positively related to anxiety, depression, and stress and negatively related to the quality of life, health, and self-esteem.

The study provides evidence of good psychometric properties in terms of factorial structure, reliability and crite-rion validity of the shortened 3-item Polish version of a hopelessness scale. Future studies should investigate its predictive value, especially in terms of suicidal ideation and behaviour, as well as other health outcomes.

Słowa kluczowe: hopelessness; quality of life; scale; tau-equvalence; well-being

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Shopping Addiction Is Driven by Personal Focus Rather than Social Focus Values but to the Exclusion of Achievement and Self-Direction

Autorzy: Aleksandra Uzarska, Stanisław K. Czerwiński, Paweł Atroszko

Streszczenie: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between shopping addiction and a comprehensive model of motivational principles conceptualized within the Schwartz’s values theory. On the basis of previous research on the associations of shopping addiction with personality and particular values, it was hypothesized that shopping addiction would be positively related to all personal focus values that refer to self-enhancement and openness to change, and negatively related to social focus values that emphasize conservation and self-transcendence. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale, a tool based on common addiction components, and the Short Schwartz Values Survey were administered to 1156 undergraduate students. The results mostly supported the hypotheses; however, contrary to what was expected, shopping addiction had negative associations with achievement and self-direction. These results suggest that while compulsive buyers are strongly motivated to pursue prestige and pleasurable, hedonistic life, they diminish the importance of productivity or creativity that would allow achieving their goals. To some extent, shopping addiction could be understood as a striving for the ideal lifestyle with minimum effort by those who struggle with maintaining positive and healthy social relations. The findings contribute to the understanding of individual differences related to the development and persistence of shopping addiction.

Słowa kluczowe: compulsive buying; personal focus; shopping addiction; Schwartz’s Values Theory; social focus.

Czytaj dalej

Measurement invariance between student and employee groups of the Polish version of the Mini-IPIP Scale for Big Five personality traits

Autorzy: Stanisław K. Czerwiński, Aleksandra Uzarska, Bartosz Atroszko

Streszczenie: Short scales are becoming increasingly popular in social and behavioral sciences. Often times they are convenient, valid and reliable which makes them particularly useful in certain contexts, such as large scale surveys. The aim of the study was to investigatie measurement invariance of the Polish version of the Mini-IPIP Shortened Measures of the Big-Five Domains (the Mini-IPIP) between a student sample (927 persons) and an employee sample (723 persons). The instrument consists of 20 items, four for each subscale and has a 5-point Likert-type response format ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree). Data were gathered between 2013 and 2017 as a part of subsequent research projects. The results showed that the scale has satisfactory model fit in both samples and indicated strong measurement invariance between the groups of students and employees. The data supports the validity of the Polish version of the Mini-IPIP.

Słowa kluczowe: Big Five, employees, measurement invariance, Mini-IPIP, students

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Single-item self-report measure of learning engagment: What does it measures?

Autorzy: Bartosz Atroszko, Stanisław K. Czerwiński, Aleksandra Uzarska

Streszczenie: This article presents the results of a research examining the validity of single-item, selfreported measure of students’ subjective learning engagement. The study took place in April 2019 on a sample of 148 female second year early education students from the University of Gdańsk. Indicators of different aspects of learning engagement were used as predictors of the answer to the question: “How engaged in learning are you?” with a 9-point Likert type response format ranging from 1 – Very weakly to 9 – Very strongly. The regression model including several independent indicators of engagement explained 52% of the variance of the single-item measure. The gathered data support validity of the single-item measure of learning engagement. The results are congruent with previous research on validity and reliability of the scale.

Słowa kluczowe: learning engagement, academic engagement, student engagement

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Study addiction among musicians: Measurement, and relationship with personality, social anxiety, performance, and psychosocial functioning

Autorzy: Paweł Andrzej Atroszko, Piotr Bereznowski ,Wiktor Wróbel, Rafał Lawendowski, Michał Kierzkowski.

Streszczenie: Adverse health-related consequences of perfectionistic over-involvement in work are well-documented among professional musicians.The aim of this study was to investigate a recently developed concept of “study addiction” among students of music academies. Study addiction has been defined within the framework of theory and research on work addiction as a potential behavioral addiction.

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Facebook Addiction among Polish Undergraduate Students: Validity of Measurement and Relationship with Personality and Well-Being

Autorzy: Paweł Andrzej Atroszko, Julia Maria Balcerowska , Piotr Bereznowski , Adriana Biernatowska , Ståle Pallesen, Cecilie Schou Andreassen

Streszczenie: Facebook addiction has been suggested as a potential behavioral addiction emerging from the framework of the theory and research on social networking sites addiction and Internet addiction. Previous studies showed that Facebook addiction is related to specific personality traits and well-being. However, there is still a scarcity of studies showing the relative contribution of different personality characteristics to Facebook addiction within an integrated model.

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The relationship between action control and general self-efficacy – empirical data

Autorzy: Paulina Koryczan, Lucjan Dybczak, Kaja Malicka,  Artur Sawicki, Paweł Andrzej Atroszko

Streszczenie: Psychological processes that lead from intention to a specific action have drawn attention of researchers for decades. The aim of this research was to investigate which aspects of willpower determine the feeling of high efficacy in achieving goals amongst some individuals whereas others struggle even with simple tasks. 

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Validation of The Primary Emotional Appraisal Scale in the sample of university students

Autorzy: Paulina Golińska, Julia Barańska, Adriana Biernatowska, Julia Maria Balcerowska, Paweł Andrzej Atroszko

Streszczenie: Stress is one of the crucial factors affecting well-being in different aspects of people’ lives (The American Institute of Stress 2014). It can be perceived as a negative state that is a threat for health (distress) or an constructive and motivating reaction to a challenge which an organism has to face (eustress; Selye 1975). In this context, it seems to be highly relevant to create valid and reliable tools that could be used to assess differences in the perception of a stressful situation.

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Uzależnienie od zakupów – przegląd badań

Autorzy: Paulina Koryczan, Michalina Sęktas, Lucjan Dybczak, Kaja Malicka

Streszczenie: Zmiany współczesnego świata mają znaczący wpływ na funkcjonowanie człowieka i sprzyjają powstawaniu uzależnień. Uzależnienie od zakupów rozumiane jest jako kompulsywne, nadmierne i niekontrolowane kupowanie i wydawanie pieniędzy powodujące negatywne konsekwencje (Black 2007). Problem ten może dotyczyć do 10% populacji osób dorosłych (CBOS 2012). Celem artykułu jest przegląd badań i teorii związanych z tym rodzajem uzależnienia.

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Validity of Single-Item Self-Report Measure of Learning Engagement

Autorzy: Paulina Łukowicz, Anna Choynowska, Anna Maria Świątkowska, Piotr Bereznowski, Wiktor Kornel Wróbel, Paweł Andrzej Atroszko

Streszczenie: Interest in learning engagement of children and university students is constantly growing since 1960s. It resulted in plurality of theories conceptualizing the phenomenon and tools created to measure it. Moreover, studies about learning engagement are often conducted on large samples with multiple measurement in different time periods and multiplicity of other traits measured at the same time.

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