Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Validation of The Primary Emotional Appraisal Scale in the sample of university students

Autorzy: Paulina Golińska, Julia Barańska, Adriana Biernatowska, Julia Maria Balcerowska, Paweł Andrzej Atroszko

Streszczenie: Stress is one of the crucial factors affecting well-being in different aspects of people’ lives (The American Institute of Stress 2014). It can be perceived as a negative state that is a threat for health (distress) or an constructive and motivating reaction to a challenge which an organism has to face (eustress; Selye 1975). In this context, it seems to be highly relevant to create valid and reliable tools that could be used to assess differences in the perception of a stressful situation. The aim of this study was to validate The Primary Emotional Appraisal Scale in educational context. The scale is intended for evaluation of fifteen emotions related to primary emotional appraisal of a situation. Emotions are grouped into four categories: threat, harm, challenge, and benefit. Validation was conducted on 363 students of University of Gdansk, 300 women and 62 men. The mean age of the sample was M = 21.52 (SD = 3.94). Firstly, in the neutral situation participants were asked about current stress level. Then in a situation of test they were again asked about the stress they experience and filled in Primary Emotional Appraisal Scale. Additionally, the stress during typical exam was measured. Different factorial models were tested with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Reduced three factor model of threat, harm and challenge/benefit had the best fit to the data. Results showed that stress in a test situation is positively related to threat appraisal and negatively related to harm appraisal, while the level of general examination stress is positively related to threat appraisal. Every form of appraisal was found to be related to the reactivity to stress in the test situation. More studies are required to investigate the ability of the Primary Emotional Appraisal Scale to distinguish between eustress and distress. Meanwhile, results indicate differences in emotional appraisal of particular stressful situations.

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W: Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce – Nauki humanistyczne i społeczne. Część VI

31 sierpnia 2017