Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Single-item self-report measure of learning engagment: What does it measures?

Autorzy: Bartosz Atroszko, Stanisław K. Czerwiński, Aleksandra Uzarska

Streszczenie: This article presents the results of a research examining the validity of single-item, selfreported measure of students’ subjective learning engagement. The study took place in April 2019 on a sample of 148 female second year early education students from the University of Gdańsk. Indicators of different aspects of learning engagement were used as predictors of the answer to the question: “How engaged in learning are you?” with a 9-point Likert type response format ranging from 1 – Very weakly to 9 – Very strongly. The regression model including several independent indicators of engagement explained 52% of the variance of the single-item measure. The gathered data support validity of the single-item measure of learning engagement. The results are congruent with previous research on validity and reliability of the scale.

Słowa kluczowe: learning engagement, academic engagement, student engagement

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W: Reviewed Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Scientific International Conference for PhD students and assistants QUAERE 2019, vol. IX


12 października 2019