Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Obraz ciała i aleksytymia u kobiet zmagających się z chorobami ginekologiczno-endokrynologicznymi

Na: 8 Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa “Rozmiar w umyśle”

Data: 18-19 września 2022

Wygłosił: Klaudia Bochniarz

Streszczenie: Choroby ginekologiczno-endokrynologiczne dotykają coraz więcej kobiet w wieku rozrodczym. Aktualne statystyki wskazują, że w Polsce na zespół policystycznych jajników (PCOS) cierpi od 4 do 12% kobiet w wieku reprodukcyjnym (Jakiel i in., 2006). Natomiast endometrioza stanowi 14% wszystkich schorzeń żeńskich narządów genitalnych (Palatyński, 2008). Obie te choroby wiążą się ze znacznymi utrudnieniami codziennego funkcjonowania pacjentek. Oprócz tego oddziałują na zdrowie psychiczne, w zakresie, którego mogą przyczyniać się do zniekształconego obrazu siebie u jednostki. Istotną rolę w tym zakresie odgrywają objawy współistniejące. Schorzenia te utrudniają również relacje społeczne, ze względu na ich ingerencję w afektywne i poznawcze komponenty emocji. Przedmiotem niniejszego badania była analiza postrzegania obrazu ciała oraz nasilenia aleksytymii u kobiet z PCOS i/lub endometriozą oraz kobiet zdrowych. Weryfikowano również istnienie związków między poszczególnymi objawami tych chorób, a subiektywnym postrzeganiem swojego ciała i nasileniem aleksytymii. Do pomiaru zmiennych wykorzystano Wielowymiarowy Kwestionariusz do Badania Obrazu Ciała (MBSRQ) Casha (2005), w polskiej adaptacji Brytek-Matera i Rogozy (2014) oraz Torontowską Skalę Aleksytymii (TAS-2OPL) Taylora (200), w polskiej adaptacji Ścigały i wsp. (2020). Aby lepiej poznać specyfikę objawów ginekologiczno-endokrynologicznych, z którymi zmagają się osoby badane, przeprowadzono także wywiad ustrukturyzowany. W badaniu wzięły udział 64 kobiety w wieku od 20 do 45 lat. Badanie wykonywano za pomocą metody papier-ołówek. Wyniki analiz wskazują, że kobiety zdrowe różnią się od kobiet z PCOS i endometriozą alekytymicznych. Kobiety zdrowe są bardziej zadowolone ze swojego wyglądu oraz z poszczególnych elementów swojego ciała. Obie grupy różniły się także pod kątem cech aleksytymicznych, tzn. kobiety chore przejawiały więcej takich cech. Przeważały u nich trudności w zakresie identyfikacji emocji. Dodatkowo obraz ciała był ujemnie związany z aleksystymią. W przeciwieństwie do niektórych danych w literaturze przedmiotu (Bazarganipour i in., 2013; Scaruffi i in., 2018), ani hirsutyzm ani PMS nie były związane z obrazem ciała, ani przejawianiem cech aleksytymicznych. Zmaganie się z PCOS i/lub endometriozą było związane z obniżeniem poczucia kobiecości, ale nie wiązało się z odczuciami dotyczącym subiektywnej atrakcyjności. Ponadto kobiety zdrowe przejawiały bardziej pozytywne emocje względem swojego ciała niż kobiety chore. Wnioski płynące z tego badania mogą dać istotne wskazówki do opracowania terapii bliżej skoncentrowanych na problemach, z jakimi mierzą się takie pacjentki. Niniejszy temat zostawia znaczne pole do eksploracji, gdyż zagadnienie wpływu chorób ginekologiczno-endokrynologicznych na liczne aspekty psychiczne wymaga dalszych badań.

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Alarmingly high prevalence and lack of gender differences in ADHD among high school students: Screening for ADHD with ASRS among adolescents and working adults

Opublikowane w Current Problems of Psychiatry (70 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy: Aleksandra Buźniak, Natalia Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Aleksandra Bereznowska, Paweł Atroszko


Introduction: The aim was to examine the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) among adolescents and adult working populations of different genders, the prevalence of ADHD, and its relationship to stress.

Materials and methods: A sample of 723 professionally active people and 1744 high school students participated in the study. Part A of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) was used to measure ADHD and the 4-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4) was used to measure stress.

Results: Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the original 6-item two-factor solution of ASRS Part A had a satisfactory fit and showed basic measurement invariance between age groups and genders. Inattention and hyperactivity were related mostly similarly to stress in all groups. The prevalence of ADHD among adolescents was much higher than in previous reports, and no gender differences were found. About every fifth high school student and every tenth adult showed a risk of ADHD. The potential cause of the difference in the prevalence in the studied groups can be generation change.

Conclusions: ASRS is a well-functioning screening measure with good psychometric properties. It is a convenient option for large-scale epidemiological surveys necessary to understand potential generational changes in the prevalence of ADHD and the lack of gender differences among adolescents.

Słowa kluczowe: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, measurement invariance, stress prevalence, validity, reliability

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The Relationship of Study Addiction with Social Support and Satisfaction with Intimate Relationships

Opublikowane w International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 11.555 (40 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy: Julia M. Godzwon, Magda K. Wielewska, Paweł A. Atroszko


Study addiction was suggested to be a potential early form of work addiction, which is increasingly recognized as a behavioral addiction. Diminished social support is crucial in the addictive process, and pathological family and social functioning were so far found in relation to work addiction. However, there is still very limited data on the relationship between study addiction and social functioning. This study aimed to provide initial data to fill this gap. The total sample comprised 3206 students, 1770 (55.2%) female. It was gathered in consecutive research projects on study addiction carried out from 2013 to 2016. Bergen Study Addiction Scale, WHOQOL-based satisfaction with support from friends and satisfaction with intimate relations measures, and Ten-Item Personality Inventory and Mini-IPIP were used. The results were replicated in two subsamples in which different measures of personality were used. Regression analyses showed a significant association between study addiction and lower satisfaction with support from friends above and beyond demographics and personality, but not with satisfaction with intimate relations. In conclusion, study addiction is related to limited perceived social support, which may inform prevention and treatment approaches. The association with self-reported satisfaction with intimate relations may be attenuated by low insight and denial characteristic of addiction.

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Compulsive Study Behaviors Are Associated with Eating Disorders and Have Independent Negative Effects on Well-Being: A Structural Equation Model Study among Young Musicians

Opublikowane w Sustainability, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.889 (100 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Natalia A. Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Aleksandra Buźniak, Rafał Lawendowski, Paweł A. Atroszko


Compulsive overworking and eating disorders (EDs) show considerable similarities in terms of risk factors (e.g., rigid perfectionism), clinical manifestation (e.g., excessive controlling behaviors), and consequences (e.g., physical exhaustion and depression). This study aimed to examine the hypotheses that compulsive study behaviors (conceptualized as study addiction) are related to EDs and that they have independent negative effects on well-being among young musicians, who constitute a highly vulnerable population for these types of problematic behaviors. The relatively high prevalence of study addiction and its pronounced negative relationship with psychosocial functioning make it a pending challenge for sustainable education. A total of 255 students from various music academies in Poland took part in the study. The Bergen Study Addiction Scale, assessing compulsive studying (conceptualized as addictive behavior), the Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26), the Perceived Stress Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the quality-of-life measure were used. A structural equation model was investigated. Study addiction was positively related to the general factor of EDs and the social pressure component. Both problematic behaviors showed negative and independent effects on the well-being of young musicians. EDs may be 8 to 16 times more prevalent among the students of music academies who are addicted to studying than among the general population. About 80% of those students showing all seven symptoms of study addiction exhibited at least mild depression, while more than half had clinically significant levels of depression. Almost 90% had clinically significant levels of anxiety. Without addressing co-occurring study addiction and eating disorders, including their commonalities and idiosyncrasies, their prevention and treatment cannot be effective and it will substantially affect the sustainability of education and work.
Słowa kluczowe:  anxiety; depression; feeding and eating disorders; study addiction; work addiction; workaholism

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Milieu effects on the Dark Triad traits and their sex differences in 49 countries

Opublikowane w Personality and Individual Differences, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.004 (100 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Peter K.Jonason, Stanisław K.Czerwiński, Francesca Tobaldo, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Mladen Adamovic, Byron G. Adams, Rahkman Ardi, Sergiu Bălțătescu,Yeow Siah Cha, Phatthanakit Chobthamkit, Sofián El-Astal, Katherine Gundolf, Tomislav Jukić, Emil Knezović, Kadi Liik, John Maltby, Agim Mamuti, Taciano L.Milfont, Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera, Joonha Park, Jarosław Piotrowski, Adil Samekin, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Charles Umeh, Kees van den Bos, Christin-Melanie Vauclair, Anna Włodarczyk, Illia Yahiiaiev, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Constantine Sedikides


Most research on the development of personality traits like the Dark Triad (i.e., narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) focuses on local effects like parenting style or attachment, but people live in a larger society that may set the stage for any local effects. Here we paired nation-level data on the traits from 49 nations with several milieu indicators (e.g., life expectancy, homicide rates) from three timepoints (and change among them) where the average participant (≈ 22yo) would have been a child (≈ 6yo), a pre-teen (≈ 11yo), and a teenager (≈ 16yo). Congruent with previous research, variance in narcissism was far more sensitive to variance in milieu conditions in general and across all three time points than variance in Machiavellianism or psychopathy. The milieu conditions differentiated the traits somewhat with income and education revealing negative correlations with narcissism, positive correlations with Machiavellianism, and null correlations with psychopathy. Sex differences in Machiavellianism and narcissism were correlated with homicide rates across the three timepoints. The evidence that changes in milieu conditions in ones’ past predicts the traits was erratic, but larger sex differences in the traits were associated with decreased life expectancies and homicide rates between childhood and pre-teens.

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How disgust predicts the adoption of mate shortage solutions

Opublikowane w Personality and Individual Differences, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.004 (100 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Kaitlyn P. White, Stanisław K.Czerwiński, Rachel Mulhearn, Peter K. Jonason

Streszczenie: When people cannot find desirable mating prospects, they may abstain, lower their standards, or travel farther to solve this mate shortage. We examined people’s (N = 306) willingness to adopt these three solutions to mating shortages in relation to individual differences in disgust in men and women and for long-term and short-term partners. Those with more sexual disgust were more willing to abstain during a shortage of short-term mates and were less willing to lower their standards and to travel farther for short-term partners. Pathogen and moral disgust were associated with choosing to travel farther in the long-term contexts for men only. Our findings support the idea that how people evaluate costs and benefits in mating is expressed in their personality.

Słowa kluczowe: Mating decisions, Sex differences, Disgust, Risk-aversion, Relationships

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Can perseverance of effort become maladaptive? Study addiction moderates the relationship between this component of grit and well-being among music academy students

Opublikowane w Musicae Scientiae, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.182 (140 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Stanisław Czerwiński, Rafał Lawendowski, Michał Kierzkowski, Paweł Atroszko

Streszczenie:Grit, defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals, is investigated as a predictor of academic success and well-being. This trait may have special importance for musicians’ functioning as their lives revolve around practice routines and mastering their craft for years. However, there is a growing recognition that extreme perseverance may be maladaptive in some cases. Persistent overinvolvement in goal-oriented activities is related to compulsive overworking, conceptualized within the behavioral addiction framework as work and study addiction. A previous study showed that study addiction is relatively highly prevalent among young musicians and has a clearly negative effect on their functioning. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between grit, study addiction, and psychosocial functioning among music academy students. It was hypothesized that perseverance of effort is related to well-being, grade point average (GPA), and study addiction, and that it becomes maladaptive for individuals addicted to studying. A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted among 213 music academy students in Poland. Perseverance of effort was positively related to GPA and study addiction. The relationships between perseverance of effort and self-rated general health, and between perseverance of effort and quality of life, were moderated by study addiction. The results suggest that grit may become maladaptive perseverance in the cases of individuals at risk of study addiction. Based on these findings, further investigations of grit among musicians, as well as further studies of the negative aspects of grit in general, are warranted. Implications for prevention and intervention programs are discussed.

Słowa kluczowe: academic performance, maladaptive perseverance, music education, workaholism, work addiction

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Comparing Students of Medical and Social Sciences in Terms of Self-Assessment of Perceived Stress, Quality of Life, and Personal Characteristics

Opublikowane w Frontiers in Psychology, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 2.990 (70 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy:  Magda K. Wielewska, Julia M. Godzwon, Kacper Gargul, Emma Nawrocka, Kinga Konopka, Krzysztof Sobczak, Agata Rudnik , Agata Zdun-Ryzewska

Streszczenie:The aim of this study was to compare medical and social sciences students’ outcomes in terms of self-perceived stress, quality of life, and personality traits. We put particular emphasis on external and internal differences in students of specific fields–medicine, nursing, psychology, and pedagogy. In a survey, 1,783 students from Medical University of Gdańsk and University of Gdańsk participated in our study, of whom 1,223 were included in the final statistical analysis. All of them were evaluated using valid and reliable questionnaires–TIPI-PL, PSS-10, and a one-item scale of quality of life. Stress turned out to have a negative effect on quality of life, regardless of the type of field of study. Moreover, students from different fields varied in terms of personality factors: conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, and emotional stability. In conclusion, many students regardless of their field suffer from high stress and report low quality of life, which potentially further affects their academic performance and social life.

Słowa kluczowe: mental health, academic performance, students, quality of life, personality

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