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How disgust predicts the adoption of mate shortage solutions

Opublikowane w Personality and Individual Differences, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.004 (100 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Kaitlyn P. White, Stanisław K.Czerwiński, Rachel Mulhearn, Peter K. Jonason

Streszczenie: When people cannot find desirable mating prospects, they may abstain, lower their standards, or travel farther to solve this mate shortage. We examined people’s (N = 306) willingness to adopt these three solutions to mating shortages in relation to individual differences in disgust in men and women and for long-term and short-term partners. Those with more sexual disgust were more willing to abstain during a shortage of short-term mates and were less willing to lower their standards and to travel farther for short-term partners. Pathogen and moral disgust were associated with choosing to travel farther in the long-term contexts for men only. Our findings support the idea that how people evaluate costs and benefits in mating is expressed in their personality.

Słowa kluczowe: Mating decisions, Sex differences, Disgust, Risk-aversion, Relationships

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WPersonality and Individual Differences · 2022


1 czerwca 2022