Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Members of KBP “Experior” with the Rector’s Award for the academic year 2017/2018

Awards recieved:
Wiktor Wróbel, Aleksandra Leniec



Open days of the University of Gdansk

On March 20, during open days at the University of Gdańsk, members of Psychological Research Club “Experior” presented the activity of the Club to interested high school students. They also answered questions about the realities of studying in the field of Psychology.

Conference “Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective”

From April 4 to 6, at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, has held a conference entitled “Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective”. Artur Sawicki was a co-organizer and active participant in this event. He gave a speech on “Relationship between narcissism and gratitude in Poland”.

Publication in Computers in Human Behavior

We are happy to announce that in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, List A of the scientific journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, having the influence factor Impact Factor 4.252, we accepted our article entitled “Facebook Addiciton among Polish Undergraduate Students: Valent of Measurement and Relationship with Personality and Well-Being”, co-authored by Julia Balcerowska, Piort Bereznowski and Adriana Biernatowska.

XLVII Seminar of Scientific Clubs “Scientific Clubs – a school of creative activity”.

26 and 27 April in Olsztyn at the XLVII Seminar of Scientific Circles “Scientific Circles – a school of creative activity”.
Artur Sawicki gave a speech on “Connection of cynical hostility with subjective socio-economic status and economic uncertainty among students”. Artur received the first place in his section for his speech.
At the conference they debuted:
Piotr Piotrowski with the speech “The relationship of dysfunctional perfectionism with selected indicators of psychopathology”. Piotr also received the first place in his section.
Angelika Juszczak and Konstancja Szarek with a lecture entitled “Sleep and addiction to learning and work – a description of previous research and the current state of knowledge on the subject”.

V National Scientific Conference “Practical Sport Psychology. The versatile development of the athlete “

The next conference took place on 10 and 11 May, it was the 5th National Scientific Conference “Practical Sport Psychology. The versatile development of the athlete “on which Anna Ussorowska delivered the speech Fri. “Measurement of addiction to physical activity – psychometric properties of Exercise Addiction Inventory”. Piotr Bereznowski was the co-author of this speech.

The XXIII National Psychosomatic Conference

On May 2 and 13, the 23rd National Psychosomatic Conference was held. On behalf of the team, our tutor, Dr. Paweł Atroszko, gave a speech on “The relationship between Facebook addiction and general stress and health among Polish university students”.

Julia Balcerowska, Adriana Biernatowska, Monika Mokosińska and Artur Sawicki were involved in the organizational work of the conference.

Quality Research Section of Psychological Research Club “Experior”

The end of the academic year in our Club was sealed with the opening of a new Section:
Section of Qualitative Research psychological research Club  “Experior”!
The guardian of the new Section is PhD Agata Rudnik.
We invite everyone interested in conducting qualitative research already in the next semester.

Another member of Psychological Research Club “Experior” won the Diamond Grant!

We are happy to announce that the member of Psychological Research Club “Experior” Piotr Bereznowski has been awarded the Diamond Grant competition.

Thanks to participation in the program, Piotr will be able to implement the project entitled “Network analysis. Stability of the method and its application in the field of behavioral addictions, on the example of dependence on work and dependence on learning “.

Professor Roman Konarski is the scientific guardian of the grant.


Club members in Norway!

This year, members of Psychological Research Club “Experior” – Julia Balcerowska, Adriana Biernatowska, Piotr Bereznowski and Wiktor Wróbel, had the opportunity to take a summer internship at the University of Bergen.
During a two-month stay in Norway, members of the Club in cooperation with scientists from the University of Bergen, including prof. Continuously Pallesen and prof. Cecilie Andreassen, they were involved in the work on the design of the fourth wave of the Polish-Norwegian study: „Longitudinal study of study addiction and its relationship with work addiction, socioeconomic factors, academic and organizational variables, and health”.

Club members also took part in a meeting of the research group on behavioral addictions, where they had the opportunity to present the results of their latest research and article designs based on the results obtained.

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