Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

XLVII Seminar of Scientific Clubs “Scientific Clubs – a school of creative activity”.

26 and 27 April in Olsztyn at the XLVII Seminar of Scientific Circles “Scientific Circles – a school of creative activity”.
Artur Sawicki gave a speech on “Connection of cynical hostility with subjective socio-economic status and economic uncertainty among students”. Artur received the first place in his section for his speech.
At the conference they debuted:
Piotr Piotrowski with the speech “The relationship of dysfunctional perfectionism with selected indicators of psychopathology”. Piotr also received the first place in his section.
Angelika Juszczak and Konstancja Szarek with a lecture entitled “Sleep and addiction to learning and work – a description of previous research and the current state of knowledge on the subject”.


7 February 2019