Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Experior na 29. ISSC International Student Scientific Conference w Gdańsku

12 kwietnia 2024 r. członkowie Experiora dumnie reprezentowali Uniwersytet Gdański podczas panelu Psychology & Psychiatry na 29. International Student Scientific Conference w Gdańsku.

  • Jadwiga Cichoń wystąpiła z tematem “Demographic predictors of readiness for a romantic relationship with individuals suffering from chronic illnesses.”
  • Aleksandra Cupta przedstawiła badanie “Big Five personality traits, attachment and problematic pornography consumption: the moderating role of gender”
  • Piotr Luszuk zaprezentował badanie “Problematic overstudying, Big Five personality, and music performance anxiety: associations with well-being and academic performance”
  • Aleksandra Wybrańska przybliżyła temat “Experimental Impact: Favourite Music During Learning on Memory Retention with QEEG”


PERSONALITY, GROUP NORMS AND RADICAL ACTIONS Individual differences and anti-vaccine radical collective action intention: The moderating role of group norms

Opublikowane w Personality and Individual Differences (100 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy: Anna Natalia Gajda, Michał Jaśkiewicz, Aleksandra Cupta, Martyna Nitek, Agata Nobis, Tomasz Besta


This research comprises three studies conducted in the United States and Poland, investigating predictors of radical action intentions within anti-vaccine movements. The American sample included 252 participants (N1), while the Polish samples had 316 (N2) and 538 (N3) participants. The studies focused on the association between personality traits (meanness, disinhibition, subclinical sadism) and willingness to engage in radical collective action. Building on previous work connecting antisocial tendencies to social behaviors, our research delves into the specific link between non-clinical traits and violent collective actions. Across all studies, positive and significant associations were found between these traits and radical collective action intentions. Notably, our findings highlight that the perception of social norms moderates these relationships. When radical actions are perceived as normative, the link between disinhibition and willingness to choose radical means is stronger and significant. Conversely, when actions are seen as non-normative and unacceptable, the relationship weakens. This moderation effect is consistent in both Poland and the United States, with some observed differences in the strength of indirect effects. The synthesis of insights from personality and social psychology proves vital for a nuanced understanding of collective behavior.

Słowa kluczowe: personality, disinhibition, group violence, anti-vaccine movements

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Biofeedback EEG in the prevention of compulsive work-related behaviors and reduction of their negative consequences: Preliminary results and barriers to providing support

Opublikowane w Journal of Behavioral Addictions  (140 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy: Paweł Atroszko, Natalia Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Aleksandra Buźniak, Aleksandra Wybrańska, Anna Brykała, Klaudia Bochniarz, Piotr Luszuk, Krzysztof Jankowski, Julia Mackiewicz, Aleksandra Cupta, Gabriela Szczepańska


The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of alpha wave relaxation training using Biofeedback EEG for reducing compulsive work-related behaviors, associated with difficulties in relaxing, and their negative consequences and investigate the potential barriers to providing support. Biofeedback EEG is effective in developing the ability to relax and reduce stress. Similar studies among people addicted to substances showed an anxiety reduction and decreased consumption.

Methods: The invitations to the screening surveys were sent to employees via employers and students via universities in Tricity in Poland. Individuals that scored above the established cut-off score on Bergen Work Addiction Scale or Bergen Study Addiction Scale received feedback with information about the possibility of participating in a free EEG-Biofeedback relaxation training.

Results: The preliminary results showed that 189 of 705 (27%) of the administration staff at one of the employers who all received invitation emails completed the survey. Of them, 53 (28%) had results above the cut-off score for work addiction, with 23 (43%) having the highest possible score on burnout and 47 (89%) having a very high score on burnout. However, only one person (> 2%) applied for the free training sessions. Results of the EEG-Biofeedback sessions will be available in the mid-2023.

Conclusions: Individuals at risk or addicted to work rarely seek help even when it is easily available and free. Compulsive overworking and its negative consequences need wider recognition to enable support-seeking among those affected. Early prevention programs constitute feasible cost/effective solutions, overcoming barriers typical for adult working populations.

Słowa kluczowe: biofeedback, workaholism, barriers, stress, relaxation, work addiction

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