Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

Alarmingly high prevalence and lack of gender differences in ADHD among high school students: Screening for ADHD with ASRS among adolescents and working adults

Opublikowane w Current Problems of Psychiatry (70 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy: Aleksandra Buźniak, Natalia Woropay-Hordziejewicz, Aleksandra Bereznowska, Paweł Atroszko


Introduction: The aim was to examine the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) among adolescents and adult working populations of different genders, the prevalence of ADHD, and its relationship to stress.

Materials and methods: A sample of 723 professionally active people and 1744 high school students participated in the study. Part A of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) was used to measure ADHD and the 4-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-4) was used to measure stress.

Results: Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the original 6-item two-factor solution of ASRS Part A had a satisfactory fit and showed basic measurement invariance between age groups and genders. Inattention and hyperactivity were related mostly similarly to stress in all groups. The prevalence of ADHD among adolescents was much higher than in previous reports, and no gender differences were found. About every fifth high school student and every tenth adult showed a risk of ADHD. The potential cause of the difference in the prevalence in the studied groups can be generation change.

Conclusions: ASRS is a well-functioning screening measure with good psychometric properties. It is a convenient option for large-scale epidemiological surveys necessary to understand potential generational changes in the prevalence of ADHD and the lack of gender differences among adolescents.

Słowa kluczowe: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, measurement invariance, stress prevalence, validity, reliability

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Work Addiction and Work Engagement: a Network Approach to Cross-Cultural Data

Opublikowane w International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, czasopiśmie z Impact Factor = 3.836 (40 pkt. wg. MEiN)

Autorzy:  Piotr Bereznowski, Aleksandra Bereznowska, Paweł A. Atroszko, Roman Konarski

Streszczenie:This study aimed to investigate direct relationships of work addiction symptoms with dimensions of work engagement. We used three samples in which work addiction was measured with the Bergen Work Addiction Scale and work engagement was measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. One sample comprised responses from working Norwegians (n1 = 776), and two samples comprised responses from working Poles (n2 = 719; n3 = 715). We jointly estimated three networks using the fused graphic lasso method. Additionally, we estimated the stability of each network, node centrality, and node predictability and quantitatively compared all networks. The results showed that absorption and mood modification could constitute a bridge between work addiction and work engagement. It suggests that further investigation of properties of absorption and mood modification might be crucial for answering the question of how engaged workers become addicted to work.

Słowa kluczowe: Compulsive overworking, Network analysis, Network approach, Work addiction, Work engagement, Workaholism


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