Koło Badań Psychologicznych Experior

The meaning of teacher’s unconditional positive regard towards students in educational contexts

Autorzy: Agnieszka Swarra, Monika Mokosińska, Artur Sawicki, Michalina Sęktas

Streszczenie: The aim of this article is to describe teachers’ attitudes which might influence the development of students’ potential in a positive and negative way as well. On the basis of previous research and humanistic psychology theories, it has been assumed that the therapist’s features which positively influence the client’s well-being can be reflected in the teacher-student relation. According to Carl Rogers, creating relation and unconditional positive regard are the key components of positive change and development of an individual. Unconditional positive regard means accepting the human being’s worth, his experience and various features of his character without any expectations towards the individual (Rogers 1957). The following conditions which are mentioned by Rogers are empathy, thanks to which the teacher understands his student and coungruence which makes the educator a person who is consistent and able to express his inner feelings. What is more, according to the Self-Determination Theory, people experience the needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness. As Edward Deci and Richard Ryan claim, after fulfilling the needs mentioned above, the level of individuals’ potential and intrinsic motivation increases (Ryan & Deci 1985). In educational contexts, teachers who respect these needs contribute to the development of their students (Deci & Ryan 2016).

Negative attitudes and value systems which impede or even make it impossible to achieve unconditional positive regard, are also going to be discussed. First of them is narcissism which is manifested by arrogance, low empathy, and exploitativeness towards others (Morf & Rhodewalt 2001). Second one is cynical hostility which is characterized mostly by mistrustfulness and negative beliefs about human nature, followed by low social support (Kaplan et al. 2004).

The overview of teachers’ attitudes which affect the students poses an important reference point in transforming the educational system in a way that will create the greatest environment for students to fulfill their potential and experience well-being.

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W: Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce – Rodzina, dzieci i młodzież

1 maja 2017